The Algorithm of Your Life

Today I turned down a book I didn’t like. It’s called The Concise 48 Laws Of Power by Robert Greene and it didn’t resonate with me at all. After pushing through a couple of explanations of the ‘laws of power’ I fronted and looked at the International Bestseller sticker that’s printed on the book cover. […]

In Order To Get That, You Gotta Do This

I recently read an article in which Sahil Bloom talked about the taxes of life you need to metaphorically pay, to live your life at ease and most importantly, authentically. These were taxes like a period of loneliness to foster personal transformation, and boredom of routine that translates into long-term success*. If there was a […]

I Stopped Waiting For The Right Time And Here’s Why

Even though I’m a romanticist at heart and often find myself wondering how perfect it would be if something would go exactly like it played out in my head, you’ll only know in hindsight if something was the right time for it to happen. It’s way more likely you’ve gone through an experience and noticed […]

What I Learned As A Freelancer And Not While Employed

I am not really the person to look back on something, but I’ll do it for three reasons. To learn, to share my experience, or for a chance to laugh loudly and relive a funny moment. I’m all for the latter, and as I’m wired to learn quickest and best by doing, the latter often […]

My experience with Ayahuasca

What led to this mindblowing experience was a deep curiosity to what kind of insights, visions, or answers I would be getting from drinking this plant medicine. After having been introduced to it many years ago in conversations, I knew at one point – when the time was right – I would join a ceremony. […]


Wanneer ik vroeg in de ochtend achter mijn scherm kruip om de dag te beginnen hoor ik de vogeltjes fluiten. Ik denk aan de lente. Het leukste seizoen van het jaar als je het mij vraagt. Ik heb een onvoldoende geuite liefde voor de flirterigheid van de lente. Alsof het je stiekem influistert dat er […]

De groeispurt van mijn ambitie

Omgevingen worden mij al snel te klein. Dat gaat mijn hele leven al zo. Ik bevind me in een ontspannen, leuke omgeving als ineens het gevoel van benauwdheid me om de hals slaat. Woorden als groter, beter, bekender en professioneler schieten door mijn hoofd en ik begin te zoeken naar iets waarvan ik op dat […]